Results for 'Gerhardus Cornelis Oosthuizen'

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  1.  39
    The Complex Reality of Pain.Jennifer Corns - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book employs contemporary philosophy, scientific research, and clinical reports to argue that pain, though real, is not an appropriate object of scientific generalisations or an appropriate target for medical intervention. Each pain experience is instead complex and idiosyncratic in a way which undermines scientific utility. In addition to contributing novel arguments and developing a novel position on the nature of pain, the book provides an interdisciplinary overview of dominant models of pain. The author lays the needed groundwork for improved (...)
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    The re‐emergence of “emergence”: A venerable concept in search of a theory.Peter A. Corning - 2002 - Complexity 7 (6):18-30.
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    Sustainable Livestock Farming as Normative Practice.Corné J. Rademaker, Gerrit Glas & Henk Jochemsen - 2017 - Philosophia Reformata 82 (2):216-240.
    We argue that an understanding of livestock farming as normative practice clarifies how sustainability is to be understood in livestock farming. The sustainability of livestock farming is first approached by investigating its identity. We argue that the economic aspect qualifies and the formative aspect founds the livestock farming practice. Observing the normativity related to these aspects will be the first task for the livestock farmer. In addition, we can distinguish conditioning norms applicable to the livestock farming practice which should be (...)
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    Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution.Peter Corning - 2005 - University of Chicago Press.
    In recent years, evolutionary theorists have come to recognize that the reductionist, individualist, gene-centered approach to evolution cannot sufficiently account for the emergence of complex biological systems over time. Peter A. Corning has been at the forefront of a new generation of complexity theorists who have been working to reshape the foundations of evolutionary theory. Well known for his Synergism Hypothesis—a theory of complexity in evolution that assigns a key causal role to various forms of functional synergy—Corning puts this theory (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Recent Work on Pain.Jennifer Corns - 2018 - Analysis 78 (4):737-753.
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  6. Phenomenological psychology.D. C. S. Oosthuizen - 1970 - Mind 79 (October):487-501.
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    The mechanisation of Aristotelianism: the late Aristotelian setting of Thomas Hobbes' natural philosophy.Cornelis Hendrik Leijenhorst - 2002 - Boston: Brill.
    This book discusses the Aristotelian setting of Thomas Hobbes' main work on natural philosophy, "De Corpore (1655).
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    Interpreting ruskin: The argument of the seven lamps of architecture and the stones of venice.Cornelis J. Baljon - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (4):401-414.
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    De energetische basis van het maatschappelijk leerproces: dynamiek en pathologie der kognitieve strukturen.Arnold Cornelis - 1976 - [Amsterdam: Sociologisch Instituut.
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    Schlüssiges Argumentieren: log.-propädeut. Lehr- u. Arbeitsbuch.Dietfried Gerhardus - 1975 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht. Edited by Silke M. Kledzik & Gerd H. Reitzig.
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  11. (1 other version)Wie lässt sich das Wort “Rekonstruieren” rekonstruieren? Zum einem Aspekt des methodologischen Ansatzes im Wiener Kreis.D. Gerhardus - 1977 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 1:151-159.
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    About 'about'.D. C. S. Oosthuizen - 1973 - Philosophical Papers 2 (1):16-31.
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    Popper, Plato and plans.D. C. S. Oosthuizen - 1972 - Philosophical Papers 1 (2):67-81.
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    Thinking-ladders: A suggested out for a set of puzzles.D. C. S. Oosthuizen - 1972 - Philosophical Papers 1 (1):11-26.
  15.  36
    The Whewell-Mill debate on predictions, from Mill's point of view.Cornelis Menke - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 69:60-71.
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    Sport in een veranderende wereld.Cornelis Gerardus Maria Miermans - 1959 - Utrecht,: Het Spectrum.
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    Die Wêreldraad van Kerke.A. J. G. Oosthuizen - 1955 - HTS Theological Studies 11 (2).
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    The Ethics of illegal action and other essays.D. C. S. Oosthuizen - 1973 - Johannesburg: Spro-cas / Ravan.
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    The role of imagination in judgments of fact.D. C. S. Oosthuizen - 1968 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (1):34-58.
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    The Role of Models in Psychology.D. C. S. Oosthuizen - 1961 - Philosophy Today 5 (2):142.
  21.  15
    The sceptical chemist and the unwise philosopher.D. C. S. Oosthuizen - 1960 - Grahamstown,: Rhodes University.
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    (1 other version)Voorwoord.A. J. G. Oosthuizen - 1957 - HTS Theological Studies 12 (4).
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    Van Plotinus tot Teilhard de Chardin.Jacobus Stefanus Oosthuizen - 1974 - Amsterdam,: Rodopi.
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    Christian Wolff's philosophy of contingent reality.Cornelis Anthonie Peursevann - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (1).
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    Neurose en religie.Gerhardus Klazinus Schoep - 1949 - Kampen: J.H. Kok.
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    Tractaat over het spieken.Cornelis Verhoeven - 1980 - Baarn: Ambo.
  27. Hedonic Rationality.Jennifer Corns - 2019 - In Michael S. Brady, David Bain & Jennifer Corns (eds.), Philosophy of Suffering: Metaphysics, Value, and Normativity. London: Routledge.
  28.  4
    ‘Grotian Moments’ in the Dutch East Indies? The Reception of Hugo Grotius’s Ideas in Cornelis Van Vollenhoven’s Writings on Customary Law and Colonialism.Cornelis Marinus Veld - 2024 - Grotiana 45 (2):291-316.
    In this paper it is argued that Grotius views on customary law are compatible with the concept of a ‘Grotian Moment’. However, the idea of accelerated customary international law is developed by Van Vollenhoven, who interpreted Grotius in a questionable way. Whereas Grotius qualifies as a thinker in the tradition of natural law, Van Vollenhoven should be seen as an interactionist. This is especially visible in his publications on adat law, in which he visibly belongs to a romantic, Germanist, and (...)
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  29. The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Club Goods.Richard Cornes & Todd Sandler - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book presents a theoretical treatment of externalities, public goods, and club goods. The new edition updates and expands the discussion of externalities and their implications, coverage of asymmetric information, underlying game-theoretic formulations, and intuitive and graphical presentations. Aimed at well-prepared undergraduates and graduate students making a serious foray into this branch of economics, the analysis should also interest professional economists wishing to survey recent advances in the field. No other single source for the range of materials explored is currently (...)
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  30. The inadequacy of unitary characterizations of pain.Jennifer Corns - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 169 (3):355-378.
    Though pain scientists now understand pain to be a complex experience typically composed of sensation, emotion, cognition, and motivational responses, many philosophers maintain that pain is adequately characterized by one privileged aspect of this complexity. Philosophically dominant unitary accounts of pain as a sensation or perception are here evaluated by their ability to explain actual cases—and found wanting. Further, it is argued that no forthcoming unitary characterization of pain is likely to succeed. Instead, I contend that both the motivating intuitions (...)
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    The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain.Jennifer Corns (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    The phenomenon of pain presents problems and puzzles for philosophers who want to understand its nature. Though pain might seem simple, there has been disagreement since Aristotle about whether pain is an emotion, sensation, perception, or disturbed state of the body. Despite advances in psychology, neuroscience, and medicine, pain is still poorly understood and multiple theories of pain abound. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain is an outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting (...)
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  32. Mono-and poly-paradigmatic developments in natural and social sciences.Cornelis J. Lammers - 1974 - In Richard Whitley (ed.), Social processes of scientific development. Boston: Routlege & K. Paul. pp. 123--147.
  33.  20
    A Model of Johannine Ethics.Cornelis Bennema - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (3):433-456.
    Johannine ethics was a problematic topic for a long time and has only been an acceptable and fruitful area of research since 2012. To stimulate and guide future research, this article proposes a model of Johannine ethics that consists of five aspects: (1) Graeco-Roman virtue ethics is the broad ethical context for Johannine ethics; (2) family is the theological context for Johannine ethics; (3) mimesis is central to Johannine ethics; (4) moral reasoning is the cognitive route to ethics; (5) Spirit (...)
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    Metafoor bij Aristoteles.Cornelis A. Bos - 2003 - Philosophia Reformata 68 (2):123-136.
    Er is de laatste decennia nogal wat te doen over de metafoor en haar functie. En vaak wordt daarbij verwezen naar een belangrijke tekst van de Griekse filosoof Aristoteles. Ik wil in het hierna volgende nagaan wat Aristoteles over de metafoor zegt. Ik begin met de hierboven bedoelde passage in haar verband zo letterlijk mogelijk te vertalen. Dan bezie ik verder wat Aristoteles met de metafoor die hij als voorbeeld gebruikt, doet en vervolgens bezien we wat Aristoteles verder over de (...)
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  35. Intelligence diffusa e cultura dell 'intelligence'.A. Corneli - forthcoming - Gnosis.
  36. Das Bild: ein Mischsymbol: Überlegungen mit Blick auf Goodmans Bildtheorie.Dietfried Gerhardus - 1997 - Philosophia Scientiae 2 (1):119-130.
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    Die Rolle von Probe und Etikett in Goodmans Theorie der Exemplifikation.Dietfried Gerhardus - 1994 - In Georg Meggle & Ulla Wessels (eds.), Analyōmen 1 =. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 882-891.
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    Die Kerk se visie op die resente gebeure in Suid-Afrika.A. J. G. Oosthuizen - 1960 - HTS Theological Studies 16 (3).
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    Towards an ethics of interpretation: The use of scripture in three recent Christian documents.M. J. Oosthuizen - 1993 - HTS Theological Studies 49 (1/2).
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    Promiscuous Kinds and Individual Minds.Jennifer Corns - 2023 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 4.
    Promiscuous realism is the thesis that there are many equally legitimate ways of classifying the world’s entities. Advocates of promiscuous realism are typically taken to hold the further the- sis, often undistinguished, that kind terms usefully deployed in scientific generalisations are no more natural than those deployed for any other purposes. Call this further thesis promiscuous nat- uralism. I here defend a version of promiscuous realism which denies promiscuous naturalism. To do so, I introduce the notion of a promiscuous kind: (...)
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    Remaking “Nature”: The Ecological Turn in Dutch Water Management.Cornelis Disco - 2002 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 27 (2):206-235.
    The ecological turn in water management has usually been interpreted as a political and cultural rather than technical and professional accomplishment. The dynamics of the uptake of ecological expertise into hydraulic engineering bureaucracies have not been well described. Focusing on the controversy around the damming of the Oosterschelde estuary in the Netherlands in the 1970s, this article shows how public environmental politics transformed the politics of interprofessional competition. Andrew Abbott’s concept of “jurisdictional vacancies” is mobilized to illuminate how ecologists took (...)
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    Philosophie als "Wijsbegeerte": im Gespräch mit dem niederländischen Philosophen Cornelis Anthonie van Peursen : mit bibliographischem Anhang und einer Einleitung.Cornelis Anthonie van Peursen & Gereon Piller - 1995 - Regensburg: S. Roderer. Edited by Gereon Piller.
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  43. The Social Pain Posit.Jennifer Corns - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93 (3):561-582.
    Although discussion of social pain has become popular among researchers in psychology and behavioural neuroscience, the philosophical community has yet to pay it any direct attention. Social pain is characterized as the emotional reaction to the perception of the loss or devaluation of desired relationships. These are argued to comprise a pain type and are explicitly intended to include the everyday sub-types grief, jealousy, heartbreak, rejection, and hurt feelings. Social pain is accordingly posited as a nested type of pain encompassing (...)
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    Argumentation Theory for Mathematical Argument.Joseph Corneli, Ursula Martin, Dave Murray-Rust, Gabriela Rino Nesin & Alison Pease - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (2):173-214.
    To adequately model mathematical arguments the analyst must be able to represent the mathematical objects under discussion and the relationships between them, as well as inferences drawn about these objects and relationships as the discourse unfolds. We introduce a framework with these properties, which has been used to analyse mathematical dialogues and expository texts. The framework can recover salient elements of discourse at, and within, the sentence level, as well as the way mathematical content connects to form larger argumentative structures. (...)
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  45.  22
    Die pastorale begeleiding van predikante van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk tydens die kerklike tughandeling.Cornelis T. Kleynhans - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (2).
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    Coexistence of Habitat Specialists and Generalists in Metapopulation Models of Multiple-Habitat Landscapes.Cornelis J. Nagelkerke & Steph B. J. Menken - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (4):467-480.
    In coarse-grained environments specialists are generally predicted to dominate. Empirically, however, coexistence with generalists is often observed. We present a simple, but previously unrecognized, mechanism for coexistence of a habitat generalist and a number of habitat specialist species. In our model all species have a metapopulation structure in a landscape consisting of patches of different habitat types, governed by local extinction and colonization. Each specialist is limited to its specific type of habitat. The generalist can use more types of habitat, (...)
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    By die Uittrede van Prof. Dr H.P. Wolmarans.A. J. G. Oosthuizen - 1959 - HTS Theological Studies 15 (2/3/4).
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    Die betekenis van Prof. Dr S.P. Engelbrecht vir Kerk en volk.A. Oosthuizen - 1946 - HTS Theological Studies 3 (3/4).
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    Kerk en stad.A. J. G. Oosthuizen - 1983 - HTS Theological Studies 39 (1).
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    C. Reedijk on Huizinga and P.S. Allen.Cornelis Reedijk - 1983 - Moreana 20 (2):79-79.
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